Yara Linss

Yara Linss
singer / composer
Yara Linss is a musician with an exceptional independent artistic profile which is most notably characterized by soulful experimental and original compositions and a spirited live performance. She became a talking point at the Nuremberger Jazz Festival “Stimmenfang” 2007 where she advanced from being the support act to the star turn and captivated the Nuremberger audience. In the following year she was awarded the Cultural Promotion Award by the City of Nuremberg and released her debut album.
Born in the Brazilian Metropole São Paulo in 1980 the singer came to Germany at the age of four. Influenced by two cultures she loves diversity and combining different extremes. Together with her band Yara Linss shows with an amazing ease that common musical borders do not apply to her. That way she manages to blend i.e. the Elvis song „Love me Tender“ and the eruptive playforms of Free-Jazz into one piece of music. With her cosmopolitan artistic vision Yara Linss wants to show that nothing is impossible and nothing should be left undone to aim for a more fanciful life.